Day: August 2, 2022

cash donations food bank

Why It’s Better To Donate Cash To Food BanksWhy It’s Better To Donate Cash To Food Banks

Food banks rely on donations from the community in order to provide food for those who need it. And while people often donate food items, cash donations are always needed and appreciated. Food banks need donations on a regular basis, so please consider donating cash if you are able.

But why it’s better to donate cash to food banks? Stick around as we’re going to discuss the reasons why donating money can help food banks better in providing hot meals to the less fortunate.

Reasons Why Cash Donations Are Better Than Donating Food Stuffs At Food Banks

While donating food items at food banks is always appreciated, here are the reasons why donating cash will do much better for the organization and the community they are helping:

1. Food Banks Can Purchase The Food They Need Most

When you donate cash to a food bank, they can use the money to buy the specific types of food that they need. This is important because different food banks have different needs. For example, some food banks might need more non-perishable items while others might need more perishable items. By donating cash, food banks can make sure they’re getting the food that they need most.

2. Food Banks Can Stretch Your Donation Further

When you donate cash to a food bank, they can use the money to purchase food at a discounted rate. This is because food banks have relationships with food distributors and are able to get food at a lower cost. This means that your donation can go further and help feed more people in need.

3. Food Banks Can Use Your Donation Where It’s Needed Most

When you donate cash to a food bank, they can use the money to help with their operating expenses. This is important because food banks have a lot of expenses, such as rent, utilities, and transportation. By donating cash, you can help food banks cover these costs so that they can continue to provide food for those in need.

4. Food Banks Can Invest In Their Future

When you donate cash to a food bank, they can use the money to invest in their future. This is important because food banks need to be able to sustain themselves over the long term. By donating cash, you can help food banks invest in things like equipment and vehicles, which will help them operate more efficiently and effectively.

5. Food Banks Can Provide A Receipt For Your Donation

When you donate cash to a food bank, they can give you a receipt for your donation. This is important because it allows you to get a tax deduction for your donation. So, not only are you helping out a good cause, but you’re also getting a break on your taxes.

How Much Money Are You Suppose To Donate At Food Banks?

When donating to a food bank, it is important to donate an amount that is fair and helpful. The recommended donation is $10 per person per month. This helps to cover the cost of food for those in need. It also allows the food bank to continue providing assistance to the less fortunate people in the community.

If you are unable to donate cash, there are other ways to help food banks. You can donate non-perishable food items, or you can volunteer your time to help sort and distribute food. Food banks appreciate all donations, big or small. Every little bit helps!

How To Make Cash Donations At Food Banks

If you would like to donate money to a food bank, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, food banks usually prefer donations that are made electronically. This allows them to put the money into their account right away and avoid any fees associated with check processing.

Second, try to make your donation during the food bank’s busy season. This is typically from October to January. During these months, food banks see the most need for assistance.

Finally consider donating to a food bank that is a part of a larger organization. These food banks often have more resources and can put your donation to better use. Some examples of these organizations include Second Harvest and Salvation Army.


As you can see, there are many reasons why it’s better to make cash donations at food banks. So, if you’re able, please consider making a cash donation at your local food bank today. This will definitely make a difference in the lives of those in need.

child support

How To Compute The Amount Of Child Support In A DivorceHow To Compute The Amount Of Child Support In A Divorce

Child support is the money that one parent pays to the other to help take care of their children. This can be agreed upon by the parents during their divorce, or it can be ordered by a judge if they cannot agree.

But how to compute the amount of child support in a divorce? Read more as we’re going to explore more details into this topic in today’s article.

Methods Of Computation

When parents get divorced, one question that needs to be answered is how child support will be paid. This involves figuring out how much money the parents will need to pay each month to make sure the child has everything they need. There are many factors that go into this calculation, like the cost of living in each parent’s hometown and how much money the parent making child support payments earns. Let’s start with the Melson formula. You can also talk to your divorce attorney just to make sure.

The Melson Formula is a calculation used to determine the amount of child support one parent must pay to the other in the event of a divorce. The formula takes into account both parents’ incomes and other relevant factors, such as the number of children involved. It is often used to ensure that the child receives a fair level of support from each parent.

To calculate child support using the Melson Formula, you will need to know both parents’ incomes and the number of children involved in the divorce. You will also need to determine the amount of time each parent spends with the child. The formula is as follows:

Melson Formula = (Parent 1’s income – Parent 2’s income) / Number of children

If Parent 1 has a higher income than Parent 2, then they will owe child support to Parent 2. The amount of child support will be based on the difference in incomes and the number of children involved. If the parents have equal incomes, then the child support obligation will be split evenly between them.

The other method is to use a percentage of the non-custodial parent’s income. This approach takes into account both the income of the parent and the number of children they have. The percentage that is applied can range from around 5% for one child to around 20% for five or more children.

Another method for calculating child support is to use a set amount of money each month, regardless of the parent’s income. This could be a figure that is agreed upon by the parents or it could be set by a court. The advantage of this method is that it is often easier to budget for a set amount of money each month.

No matter which method is used to calculate child support payments, the goal is to make sure the child has everything they need. The amount of child support that is paid each month will vary depending on the situation, but it is important to make sure the payments are fair and affordable for both parents.

What About The DissoMaster Calculator?

The DissoMaster Calculator is a software application used to calculate child and spousal support payments in California. It is available for purchase on the internet, and can be used by individuals who are self-represented or represented by attorneys. The DissoMaster Calculator uses formulas specified by the California legislature to calculate support payments, and is updated periodically to reflect changes in the law.

To calculate child support, the DissoMaster Calculator first determines the total amount of money that each parent earns per month. This information can be found on the most recent pay stubs or tax returns. Once the total monthly income for each parent is known, the calculator then applies a formula to determine the appropriate amount of child support. The formula takes into account the number of children, the income of each parent, and the amount of time that each parent spends with the child.

The DissoMaster Calculator can also be used to calculate spousal support payments.

What If One Parent Fails To Provide Child Support?

If one parent does not pay the child support they owe, this can create some financial problems for the other parent. This can also mean that the children may not have enough money to live on. In some cases, the non-paying parent may be held in contempt of court, which can result in fines or even jail time.


All in all, it is important to remember that child support payments are not tax deductible. However, the non-custodial parent may be able to deduct the payments from their taxes.

If you have any questions about how to calculate child support, you should speak to a divorce attorney or contact your local child support office. They will be able to give you specific information based on your situation.

If a parent does not pay the required child support, they may be subject to a contempt of court action. This could result in wage garnishment, seizure of assets, or even jail time. The non-paying parent may also be responsible for any interest that has accrued on the unpaid child support. If you’re living in California, read this post about the child support laws in California.